
Travel has only recently become a very important part of my life. Up until 2013 I knew I always wanted to travel the world - but I meant, like, as in a holiday. It never really occurred to me that I could quit my job, sell everything I owned and hop on a plane to a far away country where I could fill my head with exciting new memories, meet inspiring new people and completely change my perspective on life for the better.

Since arriving in New Zealand my life plan has changed drastically. I now have a better understanding of who I am personally, as well as my goals, hopes and dreams for the future. I plan to travel to Australia next year with my boyfriend and then "country hop" until we arrive back in the UK. Money and time depending of course!

So far I have only visited New Zealand (North and South) and Bali. You can find out more about my travel experiences by choosing the respective country from the drop down menu on the Travel tab at the top.

I hope to travel the world - I want to put my feet on as many countries as possible! But in the meantime lets laugh at how grey this world map is...

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